📱 0928-533-3406 | 0932-503-9594
🕑 Monday to Saturday | 8am - 5pm

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FJ Driving Institute

FJ Driving Institute

Enroll Now!!!

You’re in for some exciting Christmas treats! ENROLL NOW to get any of these Holiday Deals! 10% OFF ON FACE-TO-FACE TDC • Enjoy 10% off when you enroll our face-to-face TDC seminar! 10% OFF ON FACE-TO-FACE TDC & PDC •…

Online Theoretical Driving Course (OTDC)

FJ Driving now offers the Online Theoretical Driving Course (OTDC), allowing student drivers to obtain a certificate, which is one of the requirements for acquiring a student permit. The steps to enrolling for this course are as follows: 1. You…

Thank you for choosing FJ!

Well done and congratulations for passing the final written exam, online students! You’re all a step closer to getting a Driver’s License and going places. Thank you for choosing FJ Can’t wait to see you driving about!